Okay, so the headline is only a hair north of pure gibberish. The nuts and bolts of this post, however, are simple and clear: a sorority chapter was in need of a pole with its Greek letters for an upcoming event.
A Sigma Gamma Rho alumna asked Seawood’s HeadShaper if the task was something the sports-craft maker could accomplish. Of course, not only does staff have the know-how to carve such items, it would mean an opportunity to use some stored-away thick-slab wood that has been itching to become something special. Putting it to this project would be both fun and efficient at the same time.
So, templates were made. A pine pole, hardware, paints and lacquer were purchased. Drawing, sawing, sanding, spraying and mounting soon followed.
A photo record was made to fill the pages of a college scrapbook(?). Click through the image gallery above to see some points in the process. The completed, 6-foot-tall project is at right.