Never tried skimboarding? It’s pretty easy. Even if it weren’t, taking a nose dive into the sand will probably bruise the ego more than the face. So, don’t be afraid of making a splash, so to speak.

“Skimboarding is one of the most exhilarating and adrenaline-fueled sports, but as with skiing, surfing, skating and any other sporting activity that requires balance, you also end up falling from time to time,” says in The Complete Guide for Learning to Skimboard.

“When you’re learning to skimboard… you’ll end up falling quite frequently. Fortunately, the soft, dampened sand of a skimboard setting is much less (punishing) than the hard concrete and floors of ice faced by skaters.”

So, get yourself a suitable piece of flattened lumber. You can begin with a slightly warped piece of quarter-inch plywood. Run at a slow trot, toss the plank onto a thin layer of water and pounce on it in a standing position. Very soon, you’ll be gliding along like an expert. You’ll also want to upgrade from the makeshift shingle you’ve been slinging and chasing.

When you’re ready for the big league, consider getting a Seawood skimboard. They’re sure to impress the crowd, regardless of the rider’s ability.